Faith for the Sick

Luke 8:40-48

What would it look like to trust Christ so much it sets you free? Christ had many encounters with people who sought him in faith; one of my favorites is the sick woman who knew that if she just touched Christ she would be healed. How many times have we reached out, stretching our hands, asking to see God?
Think about the woman in Luke 8. She had been sick for twelve years!! Scripture tells us no one could heal her. Imagine her hearing the stories of Christ and how he went through the towns healing people. I wonder if that sparked hope inside of her. She knew that she needed only Jesus. She had complete faith that if she touched him, he would heal her.
I love what it says in verse 47. The woman could not go unnoticed. Christ never lets us go unnoticed by him!! Jesus loves to hear us proclaim our faith in him. Jesus knew exactly who had touched him. I think the reason he asked the woman who had touched him was because he wanted to converse with the woman. He wanted to hear her declare her faith. This is such a precious moment in scripture. Allow this story to make you fall more in love with Christ.


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