Review - Fire Road


I was given this book to review for Tyndale. I am so glad the author decided to write her own story of finding the truest peace after something so terrible that happened to her. I had to give this 5 stars because besides being a fascinating retelling account from the authors 10 year old memories, it is also a personal story captured in an iconic photograph that we all have seen as a symbol of the horrors of war. I feel you can give it no less because this book was literally lived by the author. Its amazing to see what really goes on behind a simple picture or moment in time that most can remember forever. But It gives it new meeting to actually read all the things Kim overcame and her journey to Jesus. Even the random places she went to as her story progresses in the book. Her journey to Canada out of communism is a story in itself. Let alone that she survived a Napalm attack. Her faith really inspired me even more. I loved how God worked in her life and effected her family and those around her. Its definitely a journey and I am so glad that Kim decided to truly tell her full story.


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