Book Review - The Lifegiving Parent

I was given this title from Tyndale to review. Since having a daughter two years ago, it’s really been important to read different ways of parenting. The author’s have four grown children and tons of experience. A lot of the chapters deal with a biblical example into true parenting, nurturing your child's spirit and hands on experience with examples from the authors. There is some great wisdom woven throughout. I really loved the thought that your child will value what YOU value and not what you tell them to value. That is definitely life changing a thought in how one parents.
I did feel the book felt choppy in places. Some ideas seemed outdated in certain ways, especially 'Sally's Momoirs' (also momoirs is WAY to cheesy a pun)
Her retelling of things her kids said and did seem a little too edited or convenient. Or more like a Chicken Soup for the soul on Parenting nightly paragraph. I just wished it had a little more realness to the examples. Otherwise, I felt the thoughts and biblical look into parenting very helpful.