Review - The End Times Survival Guide

The End Times Survival Guide by Mark Hitchcock 

  I was given this book to review by Tyndale. I have read similar books on end times that Mark Hitchcock has written. There are actually quite a lot of them. What I think he does is just look at the climate of our world today and write on it and perhaps comment on a similar aspect to end times. I have read his books from 10 years ago and the formula hasn’t changed much. Only the things happening in the world, have either intensified or changed slightly. He spends the first chapter on worry and how it has intensified in people’s hearts in this age even more. I like that he started with worry, because it is the major feeling I have about any unsettling thing going on today. I am also glad he has written a ‘survival guide’ to end time’s or modern day craziness. It is better to find joy regardless of a situation and I think that’s really most of what this book wants to do. Help us find end time’s signs and find joy.
I think this book is not a must but good to read for tips on living in this age or in the age of the End Times and will be an encouragement.


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